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Keðja is a platform for the Nordic-Baltic contemporary dance community, of which The Work Room (Glasgow) is a partner.

This year they had to cancel plans inviting the network to Gothenburg. However, the network partners have put together a program that could happen on a local level but also shared digitally.

You are invited to settle in, find a comfy chair and join peers from all over Europe online for two days of keynotes, presentations, talks and dancing.

Stay for the whole thing or pick a favourite or two.  

As part of The Work Room Str-etching the Conversation Programme EJP has been collaborating with Reykjavík and Berlin based dance dramaturg Thomas Schaupp, whose practice questions how our work relates to society.

Together they will invite participants to connect with each other through stepping offline.  Over six days you will be invited to handwrite a letter - writing a couple of sentences each day, led by a dramaturgical process that offers you the chance to re-engage with yourself as an audience member, participant and part of your community. 

Those who sign up will be given an address to forward their letter to and will in return receive a letter from another person in the Kedja network, maybe even from another country, so we can share our experiences and hopes for the future through the tradition of letter writing.

See the full programme and how to get involved
